Sunday, February 7, 2016

And we are off!

Passports are needed to travel to a different country.  Students:  Have you, or someone you know, traveled to a different country?  Where?


  1. How many hours did it take to get from Boston to India? Did you stop anywhere on the way?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Dear Dr. Anton,
    The fourth graders in Ms. Selhub's class have been international travelers! They also know a lot of people who have traveled all over the world.
    Some of the places we have been are:
    Russia, Sweden, Scandinavia, Germany, Italy, France, Greece, Turkey, Iran, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Egypt, Iceland, Greenland, Armenia, Australia, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Cuba, China, Korea, Japan, Ecuador, Mexico, Canada, India, Brazil, Netherlands, and Switzerland.
    Where else have you been?
    Hope you're having a great time!
    Love, Ms. Selhub's Class
